The Station API port of FlowerChild’s Better Than Wolves. The port is based on version 2.94 with some adjustments to fix some flawed mechanics. The internal code has been significantly rewritten with the intent of building up an API for other mods to use. The mod features custom How Many Items tabs for recipe viewing.

Features of Better Than Wolves

Hemp farming Rotational force Dung production


Some interesting facts about the development of this port:

  • A lot of the original code has Hungarian Notation and Pascal casing, some of it is still there.
  • There was another attempt at porting the mod which got cancelled when Atilist joined kozibrodka in the development of their port. Some of the code for hemp crops and wolf dung creation originate fomr the cancelled project.
  • A lot of the initial code and some features come from Mango Pack. The block of wicker is one of those features.
  • Part of the reasons why Atilist joined the project is due to some features being used for Brick Forgery
  • Many commits from Atilist remove more lines from the code than they add. This is because most commits are about developing the API which can lead to a lot of code suddenly becoming obsolete. The new code usually is a lot more compact than the old code.