In this guide you will learn how to setup a server for StationAPI on Babric.
1. Getting Java 17
If you already have Java 17 you can skip this step, if not then you can head to and download Java for your applicable platform.
On Windows you have a choice between
, you will probably want to choose.msi
which is an installer,
is a portable install.
2. Downloading Babric
Now that you have Java 17 installed you can head over to and grab an executable server jar. The default settings should be fine.
Now that you’ve downloaded Babric, let’s create a folder for the server and move the jar over there. I also recommend to give it a more workable name, something like server.jar
will do just fine.
3. Downloading StationAPI
You will want to grab the latest release of StationAPI from Once you have the jar downloaded, create a mods
in you server folder and drag the jar into there
4. Starting the server
To start the server you need to execute the server jar from command line. Here is a short batch script to make it a bit easier, make sure to save it with the .bat
extension to make it executable.
@echo off
:: Config ::
:: Memory (Java Arg format ex. 4G OR 4096M) ::
set mem=2G
:: Java Path ::
set java="C:\Program Files\Zulu\zulu-17\bin\java"
:: Window Title ::
set name=Babric Server
:: JAR Name ::
set jarname=server.jar
:: You shouldn't need to modify anything below this ::
:: Set Window Title
title %name%
%java% -server -Xmx%mem% -Xms%mem% -jar %jarname% nogui
echo Server Closed/Crashed on %time%
echo Restarting... Press Ctrl+C to Terminate
timeout /t 30
goto StartServer
Once you execute the batch file the server should now start. If you want to see the Minecraft Server GUI you can remove the nogui
argument from the end of line 18.
, you will need to either disable online-mode in
or install MojangFix on both client and server, which will fix the auth system.