This is a public TODO List of things im planning to do, feel free to suggest stuff to me on Discord (@DanyGames2014)
- Adding a Block
- Adding Features + FeatureAPI (I need to find a way to do this without paulevs skinning me alive for my war crimes of worldgen code)
- Getting Started
- Fabric Loader
- Adding a Keybind (Should this have a docs page even?)
- Custom Item Tooltips (No idea where to put this, maybe create an Item directory so it would be Item/Custom Tooltips as a sort of mini tutorial)
- Adding Recipes
- Finish Code Driven Recipes
- Mention the need to make a BlockItem model in Adding a Block
- Adding Achievements
- Block/Item Tags (This is mostly just json arrays, not sure where to put this)
- Custom Block Entity
- Custom Entity (Still have to learn this properly, also entity models are pain)
- Networking/Packets
- Custom Dimensions (Still have to learn this)
- Bonemeal API
- DataFixer
- Custom Sounds/Loading Custom Sounds
- Colorizers
- Custom Screens/ScreenHandlers
Eventually / Not sure if someone will find this useful
- GlassConfigAPI (Calm already has a good wiki, maybe i just point to that)
- Mixins (Basic things like Inject, Redirect (WrapOperation would be better), Override) (Not sure I could explain this better than the official resources, maybe i just point to them)
- Updating project dependencies (biny, StAPI, HMI, GCAPI etc.) (This is mostly just changing numbers)
- Advanced Block Models (Mostly just point to Blockbench, noone sane enoguh does them manually)
- NBT (What would i explain here)