A biome is a part of the world which has its own set of spawnable mobs, features, grass color, fog color, leaf color, precipitation etc.
Biomes are created using a BiomeBuilder during the BiomeRegisterEvent, this won’t make them appear by themselves, they then have to be added to a Biome Provider.
Creating the Biome
To create the Biome, make an event listener (described in Entrypoints & Events) for the BiomeRegisterEvent, something like this:
The biome creating process uses a Builder pattern so you will want to create a public static field for your biome to be able to reference it from anywhere in your mod and a local variable for our BiomeBuilder.
You can see that the instance of the BiomeBuilder can be reused between the biomes since the actual biome is being passed to our holding variables in the .build() method.
We have now made 2 completely standard biomes with no distinct features to them. To modify the features and other factors of the biome, you need to call methods on the biomeBuilder after starting it and before building the biome, let’s change the foliage color and fog color
There are many more things you can call on the Biome Builder to customize your biomes
The color of grass
The color of leaves
The color of both grass and leaves
The color of fog
Disables the default features (ores, flowers etc.)
Adds a feature to the biome
Adds overworld ores to the biome
Adds overworld lakes to the biome
Sets the minimum and maximum height of the biome
Enables or disables downfall (snow/rain)
Use snow instead of rain
Adds a passive entity to the biome spawnlist
Adds a hostile entity to the biome spawnlist
Adds a water entity to the biome spawnlist
Adds a surface rule to the biome. This will disable the default surface
Creating a Biome Provider
To have your biomes appear in game, you have to add them to a Biome Provider and register that provider to the dimension you want to add the biomes to.
There are 2 types of biomes providers: Voronoi Provider (left) - creates a Voronoi diagram where to each of the cell a biome will be assigned. Climate Provider (right) - generates a temperature and humidity Perlin Noise map, and you assign your biomes according to those values.
With Voronoi Provider, the temperature and humidity noise still exists, so it might be snowy in your biome
You can see that we have initialized the biome provider, added a biome to it and then called the BiomeAPI to add that provider to the respective dimension.